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We all know that turning the router off at night can reduce microwave radiation exposure significantly. The best time to turn it off is at night because 1) you’re not using it 2) That’s when the body regenerates, and a peaceful electrical environment is critical to maintaining health.  The theory EMF health professionals have concluded is that the body can handle a lot of damage during the day, so long as the body can repair the damage at night.

It’s a simple thing to do, yet that is one of the hardest things to remember just before you go to bed at night.  What makes it so hard?  I don’t know, but it’s something that is a problem when it comes to lowering exposure.  I started out thinking that maybe it’s because reaching into those hard to reach places where the router is often located makes a bit of a procrastination hurdle.  What are some possible ways to deal with this situation?  Maybe a power strip that extends into the living area with a switch on it would work.  All you have to do is flip the switch instead of doing yoga to reach back to the plug in the wall that is blocked with “what nots.”



You could also use a wall switch that you can get from Less EMF Here



Still, that is even a bit of a chore if it’s forgotten.

There are timers they sell at Less EMF along with wall switches that you can use here.  The wall switch makes it easy to disconnect the power without actually unplugging the router, and sparing wear and tear on the metal blades. The timer has to be set like an egg timer.



The last idea I have for this particular problem is the light timer.  You know the kind you plug your lamps into and set the timer for the lights to come on at a certain time?  Here is one with a remote, and the description includes our predicament of “hard to reach ” places. It’s as if they knew just what we needed.

Yes, I think this is the one that will do for those who need total automation.  It might send out a fast, strong spike of RF to get to the plug in, but it’s a fair trade to not be pummeled by a router all night.  That’s the whole point. We want our bodies’ to be peaceful and not having to deal with the constant pulses coming from the router.  Sleeping like we were with one with nature, sleeping until the alarm clock wakes us and greeting the day with cheer and enthusiasm.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  It’s totally possible.  Once you feel the dreaminess, no pun intended, of no router at night, you may want to take the next step into the world of hardwiring.





Sheila Reavill, owner of EMF Safe Homes and certified by the Building Biology Institute is an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. She provides inspections to measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, business, or school in Augusta, GA and the surrounding region. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation today, call us at (706) 925-0642.

Schedule an EMF Assessment with EMF Safe Homes today! For more information about our services, please click here.