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It’s a really good time to learn about EMFs right now.  The winds of change have unfurled our sails so to speak with some ground breaking legal wins.  Even if you’re just trying to survive right now and deal with your own situation, you may be interested in the Environmental Health Trust.  EHT recently sent out a post giving access to a treasure trove of free handouts and posters about ways to use tech safely, educate, and reduce exposure.  I would recommend getting on their email list if you want to stay current on all things EMF related to public policy and education.  Here is the link to their treasure trove of printable handouts and posters.

The posters are good to put in places where people congregate and can see them.  The hand outs are great for family, friends, clients, and really to anyone.  I once had a sign on my class room door at school that said “No Cell Phones.”  It was easy to do because that was already the policy of the school.


Sheila Reavill, owner of EMF Safe Homes and certified by the Building Biology Institute is an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. She provides inspections to measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, business, or school in Augusta, GA and the surrounding region. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation today, call us at (706) 925-0642.

Schedule an EMF Assessment with EMF Safe Homes today! For more information about our services, please click here.