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Smart Meter Awareness

Take a look at the above picture.  This is part of a bank of smart meters mounted on the side of my building complex.  The one on the bottom is a smart meter.  It sends out regular pulses, sending usage information to the power company on a mesh network tied to other smart meters day and night.  It has an FCC ID number as it is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission.  The one on the top has dials.  It is a mechanical, analog meter.  It doesn’t radiate.  It has to be read by a meter reader every month who comes out and looks at the dials and records that number to find out how many kilowatt hours of electricity I have used that month.  Last month there was a clerical error, and the meter reader had put a 1,000 extra units on the number, but I can read this meter too.  It’s easy to do, and I called the power company and told them the error.  You can measure your usage too, day to day or week to week or hour to hour.  You just watch the dials move.

This post isn’t about watching dials move, though it is an interesting tidbit.  This post is to announce a webinar on Smart Meters that was sent to me by another Building Biologist.  The webinar is sponsored by Broadband International Legal Network and Americans for Responsible Technology.  It is moderated by Dough Wood, director of Americans for Responsible Technology.

It’s tomorrow at 1 p.m EST and 10:00 a.m. PST.  This is the link to register for it.  There are some highly regarded experts on the panel addressing aspects such as legal, medical, public health, and the general welfare of the public.  It’s called “The Scourge of Smart Meters.”  If you knew the injuries associated with smart meters you would understand the title much more.  In a multiple family unit complex such as I live in, the smart meters are condensed even closer to other homes.  I have suffered great sleep disruptions since a particular group of meters went in across the street.  My attempts at shielding my home with multiple layers of barrior foil has not been able to totally eliminate the signal.  My dog developed eczema about the same time the meters were installed and woke up at regular intervals at night scratching like mad.  Sheilding has managed to mitigate much of the problems, but why should I have to pay thousands of dollars to get a good night’s sleep?

Health symptoms from smart meters are multiple and individual.  The most common one is sleep disruptions as the meters data dump at night sending out a very strong signal that slices through homes, trees, etc to get to the cell tower.

The following is an excerpt from the invitation for “The Scourge of Smart Meters.”

“The impact of exposure to the radiation from these devices can be severe – in some cases completely debilitating. Many people have reported that their sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation began with the installation of a smart meter. 

The ubiquitous installation of smart meters raises serious legal and policy concerns over false claims, RFR/EMF exposure, privacy, surveillance, hacking, national security, disability, consumer choice, energy inefficiency, and fire. This webinar will assess the public’s legal rights and remedies and offer a balanced path forward for policy makers.

Please join us on Wednesday, November 17th as we take an in-depth look at the issue of smart meters, including what you can do in your community to push back against their deployment.”

I know a dozen people who wake up in the middle of the night now.  Everyone knows someone who wakes up in the middle of the night now.  In the 70’s before smart meters, no one woke up in the. middle of the night.  You did not wake up until the alarm clock woke you up or the cat did.  I would encourage you to join the meeting if you are at all interested in what the deal is about smart meters and EMFs, or if you want to know why everyone is waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.   I


Sheila Reavill, owner of EMF Safe Homes and certified by the Building Biology Institute is an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. She provides inspections to measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, business, or school in Augusta, GA and the surrounding region. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation today, call us at (706) 925-0642 (landline).

Schedule an EMF Assessment with EMF Safe Homes today! For more information about our services, please click here.