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Recommended Meters: Radio Frequency

It’s been a while since I wrote about EMFs on the blog, but after a few months of renovation of the website, it is time once again to start sending out information that will help you protect yourselves in the ever increasing world of non ionizing radiation.   You don’t know what’s going on in your home until you can get a sense of what’s there.  The first thing one needs to do is to see what is in the environment. A meter will allow you to see it.  The meter certainly does not replace a qualified Building Biologist Home Assessment, but a meter can act like first aid in most instances.

Because of the way non ionizing radiation is being marketed, without safety testing, and relentlessly pushed onto the public as necessary for safety, equity, health, and convenience, none of which is true, it is also the most dangerous EMF out there as our world is increasingly saturated in it.  Because it is increasing in power, frequency spectrum, modulation and ubiquitousness, hidden in standard items, sometimes for no good reason, it is the main EMF to start findings ways to reduce.

Radio Frequency meters: The radio frequency spectrum ranges from 20 KHz (kilohertz) to 300 GHz (gigahertz).   Wifi, cell phones, tablets, TVs, computers and other IoT devices fall in the range of 900MHz to 5.7 GHz though those ranges are extending both upwards and downwards as the FCC sells off more spectrum to companies.  The Acousticom II  is a meter that is budget friendly, yet has accuracy close to professional meters.  It is the first meter I used to navigate the EMF world.  It was like having night vision glasses on to see what was otherwise dark.  A company can tell you a wireless device is perfectly safe, but until you see the radiation with your own eyes, they could be telling you anything.  In fact the recent Federal Court judgement against the FCC states that none of our wireless technology can be called safe.  The above meter will give you a pretty good picture of what you are being exposed to with it’s color coded power levels in Voltz.  If you want a more accurate picture, you can spend a few extra bucks and get a Safe and Sound Pro that is professional grade.  The Safe and Sound Pro will give you numbers (in microwatts) you can compare with the Building Biology Institute Exposure Guidelines for Sleeping Areas.

Both meters, the Safe and Sound Pro and the Acousticom 2, can also be bought at Safe Living Technologies.  If the links don’t include a discount, use my discount code safe100 which will give you a discount.  The code will work on any of their products that Safe Living Techonologies sells.

The first place you want to “see” the radiation is in your bedroom.  Why the. bedroom? Well, that is where you repair at night while you sleep.  If the body is continually exposed to wireless radiation, it will become more difficult for repairwork to be done at night.  Here is the Building Biology Exposure Guidelines for Sleeping Areas.  After you get your meter, compare what you get on your meter to the exposure guidelines.  The Safe and Sound Pro will give you measurements in microwatts per meter squared: µWM2.  This matches the chart for RF.  The Accousticom II will give you Voltz, but you can match the chart by comparing the color coded lights:  Green is “No Concern” on the Building Biology Exposure Guidelines for Sleeping Areas.  Yellow is “Slight Concern.”  Amber is “Severe Concern” and Red is “Extreme Concern.”  The Accousticom will not match perfectly, but it is close enough to give you some good information in finding out what is in your bedroom.

Try it out, and see how your bedroom rates.  You can use the meters to investigate your entire home, your neighborhood, your workplace, your shopping centers and parks.  You can use it to see what is coming from many of the sources around you.  It is very enlightening and fun to do.



Sheila Reavill, owner of EMF Safe Homes and certified by the Building Biology Institute is an Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. She provides inspections to measure and reduce sources of EMF radiation in your home, business, or school in Augusta, GA and the surrounding region. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation today, call us at (706) 925-0642 (landline).

Schedule an EMF Assessment with EMF Safe Homes today! For more information about our services, please click here.