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Utilizing ADA For Electro Hyper Sensitivities

When you first start to EMF proof your home, you may discover that some pretty serious health issues disappear.  That is what happened to me when I started to wire up my home and shield it from outside sources in 2016.  I noticed that regular heart palpitations ...
EMF Educational Handouts

EMF Educational Handouts

It’s a really good time to learn about EMFs right now.  The winds of change have unfurled our sails so to speak with some ground breaking legal wins.  Even if you’re just trying to survive right now and deal with your own situation, you may be interested...
If You Missed the Smart Meter Webinar

If You Missed the Smart Meter Webinar

If you missed “The Scourge of Smart Meters,” here is the place you can find it.  Broadband International Legal Action Network has it posted on their home page.  I would encourage anyone, especially activists, to view this.  It’s packed with good...
Turning Off the Router At Night

Turning Off the Router At Night

We all know that turning the router off at night can reduce microwave radiation exposure significantly. The best time to turn it off is at night because 1) you’re not using it 2) That’s when the body regenerates, and a peaceful electrical environment is...
If You Missed the Smart Meter Webinar

Smart Meters: A Webinar

Smart Meter Awareness Take a look at the above picture.  This is part of a bank of smart meters mounted on the side of my building complex.  The one on the bottom is a smart meter.  It sends out regular pulses, sending usage information to the power company on a mesh...

Recommended Meters

Recommended Meters: Radio Frequency It’s been a while since I wrote about EMFs on the blog, but after a few months of renovation of the website, it is time once again to start sending out information that will help you protect yourselves in the ever increasing...